Saturday, June 03, 2006

Saturday June 3rd

Today we had a busy schedule! We did Kids Games, a carwash, went to an ophanage, youth groups, and an anniversary celebration for Henryk's church.

Having a free carwash creates an interesting reaction from the people in Poland. Its pretty revolutionary here that anyone would want to wash their car for free, and its really amazing to explain to them why we are washing cars just to show our love for their community!

Steve participating in the balloon popping game at Kids Games (you want to pop other people's balloons but not have yours popped):

Karolina helps us blow up balloons for the above game while the other kids do motions to an american song:
Henryk's Church's 50th Anniversary Celebration: they had lots of food to eat including an assortment of salads, smoked cheese, and sausages. Everyone loved the food, there was something for everyone!

Henryk translating as Keith explains about a song he wrote:

Jessica & some of the kids we met at Kids Games:

Steven, one of our Polish friends, and Dave:


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