Horizon School of Evangelism - Poland 2006
Mission: To invest 3 weeks of our lives to have a significant impact on Wisla, Poland by increasing the exposure of The Festival of Life, equipping local churches to be fully engaged for The Festival of Life, and to be a catalyst of focused evangelism for The Festival of Life.
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Monday, June 12, 2006
What a blessed day to spend our last day in Wisla--doing baptisms in the Wisla river! The water may have been icy, but the weather couldn't have been any nicer, and God was filling our hearts and bodies with a supernatural warmth and glow!

Sunday, June 11, 2006
Today was a sad day for all of us--after one last time of visiting churches and having lunch at family's homes it was the day of our farewell dinner as tomorrow we pack our suitcases and clean up Oaza (the Oasis Center where we are staying) before we go home; hopefully we will have time to do some baptisms of people from our group in the Wisla River. But tonight we said goodbye for the last time to many of the wonderful friends we made here in Poland. The site where we had our farewell dinner looked straight out of a fairy tale, beautiful, full of the magic and joy of the love God has given us--we were not about to let the fact that at some point our "fairy tale" trip to Poland has to come to and end stop us from experiencing the fullness of joy God wanted to offer us now.

Saturday, June 10, 2006
Friday, June 09, 2006
The last few days have been busy! We've been continuing to do outreaches and service projects.
The schools have been continuing to have amazing results! Today Jerimiah and Nick went to a class of 13 and 14 year olds. Nick didn't feel confident with that age group but the Lord decided to use him mightily anyway, and at the calling of the Lord, they gave an altar call at the end of speaking to the class and about 10 of the 30 students gave their lives to the Lord! The teacher and many of the students were glowing with joy.
Yesterday the rain finally let up enough for the city to give us the go ahead to start on painting the railing of the fence along the river. In two days we managed to get the entire fence primed and the top and the posts painted blue and the horizontal bars of the fence white. We might have pushed through and tried to finish the fence too had the Lord not slowed us down with a sudden downpour ten minutes after we broke for dinner. The Lord must have known we needed rest.
We've also been continuing to clean up and prepare the santuary for our big concert tomorrow night. We've made a ton of progress, it is going to look really good for the concert, we're pumped and excited about the opportunity to share the Lord with the youth of Poland!

Monday, June 05, 2006
Sunday, June 04, 2006
Today we had an outreach in Katowice, which is a big city about 2 hours away. We were intially a little disappointed when we got to the park and it was pouring rain and that threw off our plans. But that tends to be how God works! After we threw away our plans, he gave us new ones. We were totally blessed to spend time in the upstairs of this neat little restaurant in prayer and worship. And we were able to do our outreach despite the off and on rain and off and on downpours. We had clowns, skits, a parachute game for kids, balloon animals, testimonies. At the end of the day it felt like quite a success and we celebrated with pizza.